Creating Kubernetes Clusters on AWS using KOPS
Creating Kubernetes Clusters on AWS using KOPS
Why Kubernetes?
Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating containerized application deployment, scaling, and management. Kubernetes has emerged as the go-to solution for all your distributed architecture queries. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. But how do you actually provision and deploy a production-ready Kubernetes cluster while ensuring high availability?
The answer is KOPS.
TestOps: How to automate your software pipeline at the speed of DevOps
TestOps: How to automate your software pipeline at the speed of DevOps
TestOps is a combination of Test and Operations (Ops), a more evolved version of traditional testing to assure the quality of services. Testing is done on one side, and once complete, the testers effectively throw the delivery over the fence to the operations team, who deploy it into production.
As an alternative to this approach, testers must focus on the live production site to upgrade the quality and have faster results.
Cross controller communication with $emit and $on
Cross controller communication with $emit and $on
AngularJS applications may need to communicate across the controllers. Such communication might be needed to send notifications or to pass data between the controllers. Although there can be different approaches to achieving this goal, one that is readily available is that of using $scope and $rootScope objects.
Broadcasting events between controllers
Broadcasting events between controllers
There can be multiple situations where you may want a controller to be able to communicate with other controllers in your AngularJs Application. For example, you want your user to be able to click a button and for another controller to be aware of the UI change; one solution is to broadcast events to the controllers. Consider the following example:
How to Secure Your Cloud Data with Rules-based Engine
How to Secure Your Cloud Data with Rules-based Engine
Cloud computing offers scalable on-demand services to consumers with greater flexibility and lesser infrastructure investment. Since cloud services are delivered using classical network protocols and formats over the Internet, implicit vulnerabilities existing in these protocols and threats introduced by newer architectures raise many security and privacy concerns.
Building a highly scalable, distributed deployment ecosystem using Kubernetes, Docker and Mesos.
Building a highly scalable, distributed deployment ecosystem using Kubernetes, Docker and Mesos.
The customer is a next-generation recruitment analytics platform. The platform helps their customers to get detailed insights into the recruitment process, thus, eliminating the drudgery from the hiring process while keeping candidates engaged in the process as well.
Improve your Load Balancer performance with SaltStack and Nginx
Configure and Create Nginx AWS ELB cluster using SaltStack on AWS
In order to increase the availability of your application across regions, most of us invest in load balancers that will act as an interface between all clients and the actual application. Load balancers act as a gateway by automatically distributing traffic across multiple server instances in the cloud while ensuring the servers are overworked or starved.
6 OpenStack Deployment tools that are awesome for your project
6 OpenStack Deployment tools that are awesome for your project
Today, working in software production often comes down to continuous deployments and operating an environment distributed all over the world. Especially with the on-demand cloud services in the picture. With mighty backers in the industry like Redhat and Rackspace, OpenStack Cloud technology is definitely here to stay. However, with the myriad of options available for deployment, how do you go about choosing a tool for your project?
Entering into the Docker world: A Hitch-hikers Guide to Clustering
Docker, a relatively new container technology, is making waves the size of a Tsunami these days. Why? Simply because it makes the packaging and shipping of your apps much faster and uncomplicated. Along with the added benefit of being a leaner, lighter, OS-independent alternative to virtual machines, Docker makes it easy to run a number of apps on the same old servers. All this wrapped up in a pretty bow of open-source software, of course, Docker has enough reason to be the popular kid in school.
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Bonjour Readers!
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