Our Expert Guidance
Assessment Services

Assessment of the current state of DevOps culture, process, and toolchain to uncover known & unknown roadblocks and create the fastest and best possible roadmap to get to an ideal DevOps state

Evaluating the maturity of your organization's DevOps processes such as ideation, deployment, and release against Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, Sharing (CALMS) scale, Continuous Delivery Maturity Metrics, and DevOps Values Maturity Metrics

Building a perfect toolchain for Source code management, Artefact management, Automated application deployment, Automated server configuration, Load performance test, Automated functional test, Continuous Integration, automated code build, Application Performance Management, Agile planning, Defect management, and Security

Building a roadmap with the help of assessment of data to define strategic qualitative & quantitative objectives, outlining the success criteria and measurement metrics, defining the toolchain for Continuous Development, Integration, Deployment, and Delivery, and designing a roadmap for pilot and actual DevOps processes
current state
Assessing current state and time to code, builds, deploy, run, automate and time taken from development to production, code quality, code coverage
Assessing your infrastructure's ability and performance to streamline automation, code, production, test, & store environments, security, and monitoring
Assess your existing process, toolchains, pipelines, development methods, and stakeholders to transition to standard DevOps practices
Identify and redefine consistent and repeatable processes
Amplify feedback, improve team communication and overall culture
Improve code, build, release deployment, monitor quality
achieve the desired
DevOps state
Align desired business features/functionalities with processes to accelerate the implementation and the delivery of application features to production