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All You Need To Know About Angular 4

All You Need To Know About Angular 4

AngularJS is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for creating and managing Web applications. The latest upgrade to this framework was released by Google in March 2017, with major improvements and added functionality. For most applications, Angular 4 has adopted Semantic Versioning and is backward compatible with Angular 2.

From The CEO's Desk: Docker’s Moby and LinuxKit - Making Containers Mainstream!

Docker’s Moby and LinuxKit - Making Containers Mainstream!

We all have been hearing about Containers for a long time now. 1979 was the year when we first saw what Unix v7 could do, and in recent times, we have been looking at Windows server containers and Hyper-V containers. Its inherent advantages, like more computing workloads with lesser hardware, made it popular, and as a result, we have witnessed the rate at which businesses have moved and are still moving their server applications to containers.

Sneak Peek Inside Our New Office

Sneak Peek Inside Our New Office

It feels like yesterday when we discussed the business plan and wrote code in a single-room office. And we are happy to announce-"We've moved!" Our team has expanded in the past few months, and it was time for an upgrade in terms of facilities and location. As Opcito is on an incredible growth trajectory, we look at this new location as the start of another phase in our incredible journey.

How to seamlessly deploy a python function on Fission over Kubernetes?

How to seamlessly deploy a Python function on Fission over Kubernetes?

Introduction to Fission

Fission is a new open-source, Function as a Service framework built on Kubernetes. This serverless framework focuses on developer productivity and high performance and handles the details at the container or Kubernetes level. Fission enables developers to write short-lived functions in any language and map them to HTTP requests or event triggers. With this framework, you can create functions and instantly deploy them via CLI.

Creating Kubernetes Clusters on AWS using KOPS

Creating Kubernetes Clusters on AWS using KOPS

Why Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating containerized application deployment, scaling, and management. Kubernetes has emerged as the go-to solution for all your distributed architecture queries. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. But how do you actually provision and deploy a production-ready Kubernetes cluster while ensuring high availability?
The answer is KOPS.

TestOps: How to automate your software pipeline at the speed of DevOps

TestOps: How to automate your software pipeline at the speed of DevOps

TestOps is a combination of Test and Operations (Ops), a more evolved version of traditional testing to assure the quality of services. Testing is done on one side, and once complete, the testers effectively throw the delivery over the fence to the operations team, who deploy it into production.

As an alternative to this approach, testers must focus on the live production site to upgrade the quality and have faster results.

Cross controller communication with $emit and $on

Cross controller communication with $emit and $on

AngularJS applications may need to communicate across the controllers. Such communication might be needed to send notifications or to pass data between the controllers. Although there can be different approaches to achieving this goal, one that is readily available is that of using $scope and $rootScope objects.

Broadcasting events between controllers

Broadcasting events between controllers

There can be multiple situations where you may want a controller to be able to communicate with other controllers in your AngularJs Application. For example, you want your user to be able to click a button and for another controller to be aware of the UI change; one solution is to broadcast events to the controllers. Consider the following example:

How to Secure Your Cloud Data with Rules-based Engine

How to Secure Your Cloud Data with Rules-based Engine

Cloud computing offers scalable on-demand services to consumers with greater flexibility and lesser infrastructure investment. Since cloud services are delivered using classical network protocols and formats over the Internet, implicit vulnerabilities existing in these protocols and threats introduced by newer architectures raise many security and privacy concerns.