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Adios 2017 welcome 2018 - Opcito’s year in review

Adios 2017 welcome 2018 - Opcito’s Year in Review

2017 is behind us, and we all are welcoming 2018 with lots of joy, enthusiasm, and hope. 2017 was a great year for automation. We saw major releases from some of the biggest contributors and new products and services from the tech giants in the CloudOps, TestOps, ContainerOps, and DevOps areas. This included 4 new releases from orchestration experts Kubernetes, Prometheus 2.0, Moby, and Linuxkit from Docker, Kata containers from OpenStack, Heptio Ark, RBAC, Angular 4, React JS, etc.

Configuration management using HashiCorp Vault

Configuration management using HashiCorp Vault

See how Opcito helped a customer achieve excellent configuration management using HashiCorp Vault

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Each microservice has its vital configuration files. So, configuration management of a multi-microservice system can be tiresome. The secret configuration is generally maintained in the form of YAML files. However, storing credentials in the YAML file is insecure. Maintaining the configuration files across the environment (development, staging, pre-production, production, etc.) is complicated, with a risk of mistakes while manually copying the files.


  • Cloud
  • Big Data
  • DevOps
  • Containers

Tools and platforms

  • Docker
  • Hashicorp Vault
  • Consul


  • Secured centralized management system.
  • SimplifiedRole Based Access Control (RBAC) list for controlled user accessibility.

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OpenStack Foundation Embraces Containers with “Kata Containers”

OpenStack Foundation Embraces Containers with “Kata Containers”

On Dec. 5, when the enthusiastic container community was getting ready for KubeCon, the OpenStack Foundation renewed its long-standing friendship with the announcement of a new effort called Kata Containers with the goal of unifying the speed and manageability of containers with the security advantages of virtual machines (VMs).

From the CEO’s Desk: What do the re:Invent 2017 releases mean to your DevOps?

What do the re:Invent 2017 releases mean to your DevOps?

“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” is one of the most famous taglines used in modern times to brand or market a city, especially from the tourism perspective. Luckily though, this doesn’t hold true when it comes to AWS re:Invent as whatever happens in Vegas in these 5 days changes the whole cloud and related services market, and this year was no exception.

Application migration from Azure service management (classic) to Azure resource manager

Application migration from Azure service management (classic) to Azure resource manager

See how Opcito achieved flawless application migration from Azure Service Management (Classic) to Azure Resource Manager

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An extensive application with several components and dependencies attached to it is always a compelling case to migrate. This particular case is about an application transfer from the Azure Service Management architecture to the Azure Resource-Based architecture. The challenge was to set up the CI/CD for the application and make the deployment process fast and robust. The application was developed in .NET and was dependent on open-source tools/services like – Elasticsearch, Redis, Service Bus, etc.



Tools and platforms

Azure DevOps Server (then VSTS)


  • Reduced deployment time from 36 hours to 2 hours
  • High Availability and scaling with Azure PaaS services.

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Provisioning an Autoscaling Infrastructure using Ansible AWX

Provisioning an Autoscaling Infrastructure using Ansible AWX

In the current application era, continuous application availability and zero downtimes are the most tempting things, and if you have a SaaS-based product, it’s very important to keep your infrastructure up and running with healthy services all the time. AWS autoscaling helps people to achieve this, and this is probably the reason that we have seen a number of people using it nowadays. But the biggest challenge in using an autoscaled environment is provisioning scaled infrastructure.

From the CEO’s Desk: DevOps Maturity Assessment - A Navigator on your DevOps Journey

DevOps Maturity Assessment - A Navigator on your DevOps Journey

DevOps is a conventional term now, and a lot has been talked about, planned, and brought into practice around DevOps. No need to mention the mammoth tools and technologies around DevOps. DevOps is a practice with the end goal of unifying efforts of development(Dev) and operations(Ops) teams to facilitate the software development process with much more efficient resource utilization, better performance, and increased productivity.

Continuous Improvement in Monitoring with Prometheus 2.0

Continuous Improvement in Monitoring with Prometheus 2.0

Monitoring is the backbone of any good production environment. The Prometheus monitoring system, a project hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), has rapidly gained popularity for containerized infrastructure and application monitoring alike, and it's taking its next step forward.

Complex Infrastructure Management with Terraform and Bash Script as Wrapper

Complex Infrastructure Management with Terraform and Bash Script as Wrapper

Writing infrastructure-as-code for an environment having a variety and number of cloud resources would be the most crucial job in infrastructure automation. For such complex environments, it becomes necessary to have infrastructure-as-code readable and flexible. This facilitates understanding the infrastructure quickly. Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code software by Hashicorp which provides users a systematic way to define infrastructure configuration and execute in a desirable way.