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Complete infrastructure and application deployment automation using Stacki and Ansible

Complete infrastructure and application deployment automation using Stacki and Ansible

See how Opcito achieved complete infrastructure and application deployment automation using Stacki and Ansible

Engagement details

Transforming a bare-metal data center environment to a new bare-metal server setup with Linux with a centralized solution that can frequently format and reboot the servers with the given Linux OS. Also, an automated solution to deploy the product application stack with Cloud Stack provision on XenServer, Cloud Foundry provision on Cloud Stack, and Application deployment on Cloud Foundry.


  • Cloud
  • Automation
  • Infrastructure modernization

Tools and platforms

  • Cloud Foundry
  • Cloud Stack
  • Linux
  • Stacki
  • GitHub
  • Ansible


A centralized control of the complete Infrastructure with ease to manage packages and dependencies.

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From the CEO’s Desk: Ops with AWS

Ops with AWS

Amazon Web Services completed 10 years in 2016, and who would have imagined a computer and storage renting company would compete with the likes of Googles and Microsofts of the world. As a matter of fact, AWS is a leader in cloud infrastructure, as per Gartner’s report, leading past everyone, including Microsoft and Google.

Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure as a Service, Worldwide:

Automated OpenShift cluster deployment as micro load balancer

Automated OpenShift cluster deployment as micro load balancer

See how Opcito Automated OpenShift cluster deployment as micro load balancer

Using OpenShift as a cloud requires creating and configuring the OpenShift cluster. A manual setup process each time can be time-consuming and repetitive. Once the cluster is configured, one needs to add it as a cloud against which a list of services like load balancing, service discovery, health check, and analytics are provided. But to bring up an OpenShift cluster with a single click can turn out to be a big challenge.



Tools and platforms

  • Docker
  • OpenShift


  • Reduced time required for a cluster set up and configuration
  • Get the environment running with zero manual steps.

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DevSecOps: Building Security into Your DevOps Processes

DevSecOps: Building Security into Your DevOps Processes

DevOps enables organizations that embrace the movement and culture to be more competitive by enabling faster, more reliable software releases by leveraging automation to replace manual processes involved in shipping software. A side effect of this speed is that security tools and processes need to move at the same pace to keep up. The idea driving DevSecOps or Rugged DevOps is to bake the security testing of the application under development into the process used to ship it.

From the CEO's Desk: TestOps at the Speed of DevOps

From the CEO's Desk: TestOps at the Speed of DevOps

DevOps has been a much talked about trend in recent years. Obviously, I am advocating DevOps along with most of the software professionals who are now reaping the benefits of the collaboration between the Dev and Ops teams, which is helping them release software faster than ever before. With DevOps, now that we have reduced the time taken for software delivery from a few weeks to a few hours, we also need our testing and QA teams to gear up to ensure that the delivered software is what everyone expects it to be.

Introduction to Heptio Ark

Introduction to Heptio Ark

An Ark is a vessel or sanctuary that is supposed to serve as protection against extinction. The most famous Ark in history is Noah’s Ark, which the Bible says was built with instructions from God to protect Noah’s family and the pairs of animals he was instructed to bring on board. A more modern Ark would be the Svalbard Global Seed Vault which stores seeds in case of a global crisis.

What’s new in Kubernetes 1.7?

What’s new in Kubernetes 1.7?

Kubernetes is one of the popular platforms for container orchestration and management. After focusing more on the stability front in 1.6, Kubernetes 1.7 has more than fifty new features and more focus on federation, extensibility, security, and other ways of deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications. Here are some new features that make Kubernetes 1.7 more stable and popular.

From the CEO's Desk: DevSecOps- Next Stride for DevOps

DevSecOps- Next Stride for DevOps

The global IT market is expanding at warp speed, and IT spending is now touching a figure of $4 Trillion. In the current scenario, data is the biggest commodity. Data is more valuable and powerful than ever. And like Uncle Ben Parker said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Security has always been a big concern for valuable things, and IT is no exception. IT is trying to bring the security factor more leftwards in a development cycle. Rather, they are trying to involve it in every step of the development cycle.

Cloud Foundry automation

Cloud Foundry automation

Engagement details

Transforming existing set up of Cloud Stack environment running on XenServer for frequent, microservice-based application deployments for internal and production environments.


Automation, Product Engineering

Tools and platforms

Cloud Stack, Cloud Foundry, Ansible


  • Matured team management model with an authentication engine
  • Increased scalability with an ability to perform well under a heavy load
  • Reduced IT operations cost, infrastructure cost, risks, and time
  • Access to Cloud Foundry’s large community base, tools, and knowledge

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