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Cloud Migration: Questions to Answer Before You Migrate

Cloud Migration: Questions to Answer Before You Migrate

Planning to move to cloud? Migrating to the cloud is not an easy task. There are a lot of decisions to be made before you take your first steps on the Cloud. The right tools and processes will ensure your first steps onto the cloud are successful. Answering the 5 W’s before you migrate will guarantee success:

From The CEO's Desk: To Microservice or Not To Microservice Is Not The Question

To Microservice or Not To Microservice Is Not The Question

Microservices are a way of breaking large software projects into loosely coupled modules, which communicate with each other through simple protocols. Microservices is a fairly familiar term, but do people understand the term fairly? It can be a fair question. I see a lot of companies approaching Opcito for consultation related to microservices architecture, and I like all the buzz around microservices.

Secure your Kubernetes clusters with RBAC

Secure your Kubernetes clusters with RBAC


Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool to manage applications in a clustered environment. In its latest release (version 1.6), Kubernetes introduces new features such as DaemonSet, ETCD v3, scalability updates, advanced scheduling, and improvements to Kubeadm. In addition, the new RBAC authorizer is another interesting feature of Kubernetes 1.6. Within Kubernetes, authorization happens as a separate step from authentication.

Legacy business application migration

Legacy business application migration

Read how Opcito migrated legacy applications and data to AWS cloud, added load balancers to auto-scale, and built custom data transfer tools

Migrating a legacy application to a cloud-based delivery model that allows flexible server capacity on demand and minimize the costs associated with data center operations and maintenance.


Cloud, Application Migration

Tools and platforms

Chef, AWS


  • Reduced Opex
  • Faster delivery system using cloud

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From The CEO’s Desk: AIOps - Minority Report of IT world

AIOps - Minority Report of IT world

Minority Report is a 2002 American science fiction film directed by Steven Spielberg. Why am I talking about movies all of a sudden? The movie had a very interesting theme where a special police unit can arrest murderers before they commit their crimes; for me, system failures, or any failure, for that matter, in IT is a crime. Even though we can’t predict the future in real life, we can at least analyze real-time data and stats to reach a conclusion and avoid or stop crime before it affects your system.

Building a highly scalable, distributed deployment ecosystem using Kubernetes, Docker, and Mesos

Building a highly scalable, distributed deployment ecosystem using Kubernetes, Docker, and Mesos

See how Opcito built a highly scalable, distributed deployment ecosystem using Kubernetes, Docker, and Mesos

Engagement details

Creating a highly scalable deployment ecosystem that can utilize all available resources seamlessly and easily manage large deployments with minimal effort and with the isolation of several server resources across the data center.



Tools and platforms

  • Apache Mesos
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes


  • Reduced development-to-Production cycle time
  • Reduced application scale-up and scale-down time.

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Build optimization using Docker for a leading ADC vendor

Build optimization using Docker for a leading ADC vendor

Read about Opcito's build optimization using Docker for a leading ADC vendor

Engagement details

Optimizing an existing packaging process in order to make it simple, consistent, and faster.



Tools and platforms



  • The streamlined end-to-end delivery process with zero downtime
  • Enhanced build package security.

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