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Continuous Testing in DevOps

Continuous Testing in DevOps

Software has shifted from a role of supporting the business to being a major source of innovation, resulting in increased demands for faster development. Agile development results from this demand, increasing the speed of development and delivery. However, this increased pace of development has meant more pressure on Ops and QA teams to release more software reliably. Test teams face a trifecta of pressures based around:

How to deploy Docker images on OpenShift?

How to deploy Docker images on OpenShift?

OpenShift is a container application platform that sits on top of Kubernetes and is a superset. Anything that works in Kubernetes will also run in OpenShift with the advantage that it lets you easily and quickly build, develop, and deploy any of your infrastructures. It is a PaaS that abstracts the underlying components by providing an interface that runs on top of IaaS.

From the CEO's Desk: DevOps Assessment - Assess, Analyse, Implement, Achieve!

DevOps Assessment - Assess, Analyse, Implement, Achieve!

My last blog discussed DevOps and How you can get more out of your DevOps with containers. It discussed various possibilities of combining your DevOps practices with containers on-premise and in the cloud and a combination of both.

How does Blue/Green deployment work with AWS?

How does Blue/Green deployment work with AWS?

In one of our projects, we were working on the production upgrade of a large web application. The process involved upgrading multiple services and their components on different web application servers. With the traditional approach, the application had to be stopped for a certain maintenance window and redeployed with the latest code, services, and components. The main hurdle was to debug the application after upgrades and enable rollback to the previous stable version in case of failure.

Cloud monitoring and analytics platform

Cloud monitoring and analytics platform

Engagement details

Designing and building a web-based application for monitoring on-premise and the cloud infrastructure via a web UI.


Cloud, Monitoring


  • Rapid and accurate real-time data analytics.
  • Easy diagnosis of issues across the physical and virtual infrastructure.

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DevOps Tooling from AWS

DevOps Tooling from AWS

DevOps is a set of cultural philosophies, tools, and practices that allow an organization to deliver software more reliably and faster with fewer defects than an organization using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. Opcito’s latest whitepaper helps you understand “Why choose AWS as your DevOps partner?” and it will introduce you to AWS DevOps services like:

Creating Angular2 app using Angular/CLI

Creating Angular2 app using Angular/CLI

Angular 2 is a framework for developing mobile and desktop applications. It is an open-source javascript framework conceived as a mobile-first approach. Angular2 is the next version of Google’s broadly popular MV* framework for building complex applications. It has almost everything you need to build complicated front-end web and mobile apps, from powerful templates to fast rendering, data management, HTTP services, form handling, and many more.

Ansible to manage AWS infrastructure

Ansible to manage AWS infrastructure

Ansible is the fastest-growing Python-based open-source IT automation tool that can be used to configure/manage systems, deploy applications, and provision infrastructure on numerous cloud platforms. Ansible is not only limited to managing servers, but it also manages network switches, provision instances, and complete cloud infrastructure. Ansible modules have been designed to work seamlessly within cloud environments like AWS, GCP, VMWare, and Microsoft Azure.

Collaboration application migration to AWS

Collaboration application migration to AWS

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A classic case of moving an application with a geographically spread userbase and interconnected dependencies over other applications. Maintaining the infrastructure for such a business-critical application and perpetuate the quality of experience is always a costly affair. Zero downtime is another must-have throughout the migration process.


Cloud, Application Migration

Tools and platforms

AWS, Route53, ELB


  • Reduced operating expenses
  • Enhanced flexibility and document control

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