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Exploring real-time communication in Vue.js with Socket.IO

In the fast-paced world of web development, creating applications that offer real-time features is no longer just a luxury—it's a necessity. Whether it's facilitating live chat, collaborative editing, or delivering instant updates, the demand for bidirectional communication between clients and servers is more prevalent than ever. This is where Socket.IO, a powerful library for real-time communication, comes into play. In this blog post, we'll embark on a journey to seamlessly integrate Socket.IO with Vue.js, creating a dynamic and responsive real-time application.

Infrastructure, security, and test automation for a cyber-range platform

Infrastructure, security, and test automation for a cyber-range platform

See how Opcito enhanced the infrastructure, security, and test automation for a cyber-range platform

Engagement details

Opcito collaborated with a cloud and cyber security expert, to build a secure and scalable cyber-range platform. The customer's platform lacked automated infrastructure and robust CI/CD practices, hindering development and deployment. Opcito implemented DevOps principles to streamline infrastructure provisioning, configuration management, and CI/CD pipelines. Additionally, Opcito integrated monitoring and security practices, enhancing the customer's ability to detect and resolve issues while ensuring code and infrastructure security. The result: a robust, secure platform enabling faster development cycles and improved operational efficiency.


  • New Relic
  • EFK (Elasticsearch, FluentD, Kibana)
  • OpenStack
  • Terraform
  • Ansible
  • Python
  • SonarQube
  • Kubernetes
  • Jenkins


  • Better monitoring
  • Higher speed and reliability
  • Boosted security

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Ethical implications of AI in software development: A call for responsible innovation

As a passionate advocate for innovation in software development, I've witnessed the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) firsthand. AI has rapidly evolved from a theoretical concept to a practical tool capable of automating tasks, optimizing code, and personalizing user experiences. It's poised to become an invaluable asset in the developer's world. However, this immense power must be harnessed responsibly to ensure ethical development and implementation within software.

A Guide to Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

The way we access the internet has completely transformed in recent years. Mobile browsing has skyrocketed, with smartphones becoming our go-to devices for everything from checking news to shopping online. But this shift has exposed a major problem: traditional websites often struggle to keep up. Imagine waiting ages for a webpage to load, dealing with clunky navigation on a small screen, or missing out on features because you haven't downloaded an app. That's the frustration users face with traditional websites on their smartphones.

A guide to PostgreSQL Indexing with SQLAlchemy

Effective database indexing is paramount for ensuring efficient data retrieval and minimizing query execution times. PostgreSQL, a leading relational database management system, provides a comprehensive set of indexing functionalities. This guide explores leveraging SQLAlchemy, a robust Python library for SQL interaction and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), to create and manage these indexes within your PostgreSQL environment.

Microfrontend – What is it and what are its benefits?

Monolithic applications have been the backbone of web development and offered a simple way to build applications for years. However, as features piled on, monolithic codebases became a nightmare to maintain, slowed deployments, and limited scalability. That's where microfrontends came into the picture, offering a revolutionary approach to building complex UIs. By breaking down the UI into independent, feature-focused applications, microfrontends today offer a modular and scalable solution.

Fortifying your React application: A guide to common threats and prevention strategies

React has taken the web development world by storm, making building dynamic and engaging user interfaces more accessible. But with this power comes the responsibility for heightened security in React applications. Malicious actors are constantly looking for vulnerabilities, and so it becomes crucial to safeguard React projects from attacks. This article will delve into the numerous security vulnerabilities that React applications and React native apps may encounter and present extensive solutions, best practices, and examples to strengthen the codebase.

Secrets management: The critical piece in your DevSecOps puzzle

Think of the secret ingredients that make your applications work – API keys, database passwords, certificates. These digital credentials unlock access to sensitive data and functionalities, but keeping them secure can be challenging. A recent study by Gartner found that by 2027, 70% of organizations will combine data loss prevention and insider risk management disciplines with IAM context to identify suspicious behavior more effectively.

Feign Client: Powerful and clean Spring Boot APIs

Building microservices is a powerful approach, but interacting with external APIs often becomes repetitive. Developers using RestTemplate must write code for every step, from building URLs to handling responses, leading to a slow process that is error-prone and, frankly, frustrating. Fortunately, there is a better way to handle this problem and help developers manage large amounts of API calls—using the Feign Client in Spring Boot. This blog will explain how the Feign Client in microservices streamlines Spring Boot API interactions.