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The art of security in software development: Opcito approach

Imagine millions of users' credit card details and personal information exposed because of a security flaw. Unfortunately, this isn't a hypothetical scenario. In 2017, Equifax, a major credit bureau, suffered a data breach that impacted a staggering 147 million Americans. This incident, and countless others like it, highlighted a critical failing in software development - the afterthought approach to security. But what if we built security into the very foundation of our software, from the first line of code to deployment and delivery?

Custom Hook in React to solve useEffect double invocation

Functional components are taking center stage in React development, thanks partly to the streamlined useEffect Hook. It handles tasks like data fetching and local storage much more elegantly than lifecycle methods in class components. But there's a hidden shortcoming. useEffect can fire twice unexpectedly, potentially harming your app's performance. This blog post explores this challenge and provides clear solutions for effectively managing side effects using useEffect in React applications.

Enhanced infrastructure automation and monitoring incident management solution for a healthcare organization

Enhanced infrastructure automation and monitoring incident management solution for a healthcare organization

See how Opcito enhanced infrastructure automation and incident management monitoring solutions for a healthcare organization

Engagement details

Opcito partnered with a digital healthcare organization to improve their web application's efficiency and scalability. The healthcare organization lacked automation and monitoring for their infrastructure, making it difficult to manage. Opcito implemented Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) practices to address these issues. This collaboration improved the organization's ability to monitor their system, automate tasks, and plan for future growth. The improvements resulted in a more reliable and efficient web application.


  • New Relic
  • EFK
  • AWS cloud
  • Terraform
  • Ansible
  • Python
  • SonarQube
  • Kubernetes
  • Jenkins


  • Better monitoring
  • Optimized disaster recovery
  • Higher speed and reliability
  • Boosted security

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AISecOps: The future of security operations is intelligent

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and so are the threats we face. Traditional security operations, reliant on manual analysis and limited resources, need help to keep up with the ever-growing volume and sophistication of cyberattacks. This is where AISecOps steps in, offering a revolutionary approach that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to transform security operations.

Step-by-step guide to VPC peering

Step-by-step guide to VPC peering

Have you ever built a cloud application that uses multiple Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) in AWS? But then a question arises – what if these isolated VPCs need to interact with each other privately, without compromising security? This is where VPC peering comes to the rescue. In this blog, we'll delve into the world of VPC peering and explore how it establishes a secure, private network connection between your VPCs, acting as a dedicated bridge within the AWS cloud.

Kubernetes security challenges and solutions

Kubernetes security challenges and solutions

Kubernetes has revolutionized cloud application management, empowering countless organizations to automate their deployment, scaling, and management tasks to handle microservice architectures efficiently. With its rapidly expanding ecosystem that offers unparalleled portability, extensibility, and automation for diverse workloads and services, many organizations are adopting Kubernetes as their go-to container orchestration platform.

Streamlining software development with automated pipelines using Jenkins on AWS

Streamlining software development with automated pipelines using Jenkins on AWS

In the fast-paced world of software development, teams rely on streamlining and automating workflows for efficiency and reliability. Jenkins, a robust automation server, plays a crucial role in the software development lifecycle by enabling teams to automate tasks from building and testing to deployment. This guide will walk you through setting up Jenkins on an AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance and creating a Jenkins pipeline triggered by pushes to a GitHub repository.

Fortifying software supply chain security: Challenges & best practices

Fortifying software supply chain security: Challenges & best practices

The software supply chain, crucial in developing and distributing software, is increasingly targeted by cyber attackers. Vulnerabilities, malicious code injections, and compromised distribution channels pose significant risks, emphasizing the need for robust security measures within the supply chain. Recent incidents, like the SolarWinds breach and Log4j vulnerability, highlight the consequences of weakness within software supply chains.

A guide to mastering autoscaling in Kubernetes with KEDA

A guide to mastering autoscaling in Kubernetes with KEDA

Efficiently managing containerized applications in Kubernetes involves a critical component: autoscaling. This dynamic allocation of resources based on demand is essential for optimizing performance and cost-effectiveness. However, implementing autoscaling can be challenging, especially when integrating external metrics and working with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA).

From slow to streamlined: Achieve agile efficiency with DevSecOps

From slow to streamlined: Achieve agile efficiency with DevSecOps

The constant pressure to deliver high-quality software at an accelerated pace is not a new ask. It has become the norm of the software industry. Agile methodologies have become the go-to approach for many teams, enabling iterative development and flexibility in responding to changing requirements. However, security cannot be an afterthought in an era of increasing cyber threats. This is where DevSecOps comes into play.