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Best practices and tools that will elevate your Infrastructure as Code

Best practices and tools that will elevate your Infrastructure as Code

In my last blog, I talked about the whats and whys of Infrastructure as Code. It is important to understand that IaC is more than just automation. Similar to code development, it is about managing your operations environment in a better way using rules, policies, and structures.

Kubernetes 1.14 - Welcoming Windows workloads now

Kubernetes 1.14 - Welcoming Windows workloads now

The first release of 2019 for Kubernetes is here! And it's a big one. A total of 31 updates with a full third of them being moved to stable and another third of them moving to beta. This is the most enhancements that have graduated to stable in one Kubernetes release! A big theme of this release is supporting more workloads on Kubernetes.

There are security enhancements too in this release with updates to RBAC. Let's have a look at the major features that have graduated to stable.

What is Infrastructure as Code and why should you go for it?

What is Infrastructure as Code and why should you go for it?

End-to-end automation of the software development process is the thing now. In recent years, one can surely say that automation of the overall application development process has gone mainstream, although individual parts of the overall process, like testing, are automated for a while now. But managing and provisioning IT infrastructure was the one area that was a little ignored part in this age of automation.

Securing Kubernetes environment with internal load-balancers and Ingress on AWS and VPN

Securing Kubernetes environment with internal load-balancers and Ingress on AWS and VPN

Security is one of the biggest concern nowadays, and organizations have started investing a considerable amount of time and money in it. 2018 has shown every one of us why it is of utmost importance to secure data and applications against any threat imposed. This is particularly the reason why one needs to pay more attention to securing applications, production, and data-sensitive environments like Elasticsearch or databases like MySQL, MongoDB.

8 variables that will change the DevOps equation in 2019

8 variables that will change the DevOps equation in 2019

January is all about cherishing what went right and evaluating what didn’t in the previous year. It is about predicting what the new year will be like and what needs to be done to make the best out of it. This year saw the addition of 10 Year Challenge in the list. So, being an IT enthusiast, the only 10-year challenge I could think of was DevOps. 2008/09 was the year when the term DevOps started making the rounds of IT world and now it’s almost a decade for DevOps.

Docker Enterprise and what’s new in 2.1?

Docker Enterprise and what’s new in 2.1?

2018 was a busy year for the tech world, and this year looks to be no different, with Serverless and Containers expected to dominate mind-space in 2019. Docker has already started stepping up their game with the intention of redefining the experience of using Docker with a new Docker Hub that combines the Docker Store, Docker Cloud, and Docker Hub functionality in one place.

Writing smart contracts using Ethereum

Writing smart contracts using Ethereum

In my previous blog, I discussed how you can build a simple Blockchain using Ethereum and Python on a Linux/Ubuntu box. Now that you are aware of a Blockchain using Ethereum, you may want to know about the next popular thing in the crypto space i.e. smart contracts. “What is smart contracts” has become one of the most-asked technology questions. So, let's talk more about smart contracts.

SaaS-ified workflow and provisioning automation using Ansible and K8s

SaaS-ified workflow and provisioning automation using Ansible and K8s

See how Opcito SaaS-ified workflow and provisioning automation using Ansible and Kubernetes

Engagement details

Everyone needs a free trial and POC to try out any new service or study its impact. In this case, the prospects or the users had to go through a tedious and time-consuming process that involved several manual approvals and an undefined workflow. Plus, the prospects had to sign up for a public cloud account to evaluate these services, which meant increased overheads. And this lengthy procedure was affecting the business resulting in a loss of possible customers.


  • Microservices
  • Cloud

Tools and platforms

  • Ansible
  • Kubernetes


  • Reduced turnaround time for free trials from hours to mins
  • Simplified spinning up process for POCs and free trials with a ticketing system and structured workflow.

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Rehashing re:Invent

Rehashing re:Invent

The holiday season is a very merry time for everyone. You have Christmas to look forward to. And in addition to this, when it comes to late November, there is something else I have been looking forward to since 2012 (coincidently, I started my journey as a techie around the same time.) Yes, you guessed it right. I am talking about AWS re:Invent. Since its first edition, re:Invent has been an exciting conference for the computing community around the globe.

Kubernetes 1.13 is here!

Kubernetes 1.13 is here!

Kubernetes’ final release for 2018 is here! This is the fourth release of the year and it comes just 10 weeks after the 1.12 release. Like the previous release, this release continues to focus on stability and extensibility. There are 3 major features that are graduating to GA in this release. They are Kubeadm, Container Storage Interface (CSI), and CoreDNS which is now the default DNS with every Kubernetes installation.

Let's take a quick drive through each of these new GA features.