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Skaffold - Kubernetes-native app development simplified

Skaffold - Kubernetes-native app development simplified

Kubernetes has been a go-to tool for orchestration for most DevOps folks. And to manage Kubernetes components, most of us prefer Helm. Now, consider a scenario where the codes in the file, Docker images, and manifest files need to be amended; then, the coder will have to restart the current application in the Dev environment. What if the coder doesn’t want to restart the application after every amendment along with manually updating the Kubernetes manifests? What if there are some minor changes to be made?

Transforming the Media & Entertainment landscape with DevOps

Transforming the Media & Entertainment landscape with DevOps

The media and entertainment industry is one of the frontrunners when it comes to adopting new technology. Netflix, which started as a DVD rental shop, is one of the pioneers when it comes to adopting and inventing newer methods on the technology front to serve its customers better. The transformation has revolutionized how consumers consume media, and its share in internet traffic and consumption is an indicator of the same.

Extracting text from images with Tesseract OCR, OpenCV, and Python

Extracting text from images with Tesseract OCR, OpenCV, and Python

It is easy for humans to understand the contents of an image by just looking at it. You can recognize the text on the image and can understand it without much difficulty. However, computers don’t function similarly. They only understand information that is organized. And this is exactly where Optical Character Recognition comes in the picture.

Integrating external entities in DevOps ecosystem

Integrating external entities in DevOps ecosystem

DevOps has become an integral part of the IT industry; combining cultural change with different sets of tools has revolutionized the way Dev and Ops teams operate. The global market size for DevOps is expected to grow from USD 2.90 Billion in 2017 to USD 10.31 Billion by the year 2023, according to a study by Markets And Markets.

Enhanced test automation with Selenium WebDriver and pytest

Enhanced test automation with Selenium WebDriver and pytest

The biggest challenge for a developer today is to ensure consistent and smooth working of their website or web application across different devices, browsers, and platforms. The easiest way to ensure all-round consistency is using a cross-browser testing method for testing websites or web applications across contrasting combinations.

Multiply the benefits of cloud with multi-cloud

Multiply the benefits of cloud with multi-cloud

Cloud adoption and its importance have been the topic of everyone's interest for more than a decade now. Various reports underpin the statement that the cloud is the way for IT. Gartner's study shows that the cloud infrastructure market in 2018 was $32.4 billion, with a 31.3 percent increase from the previous year.

Managing multiple environment configurations in React App

Managing multiple environment configurations in React App

Building a user interface is one of the most important aspects of any product development. It can make or break the customer base irrespective of how strong the application functionality is. React is a Javascript library maintained by Facebook, individual developers, and companies. And even though it is not a complete framework like Angular but a library, it is popular because of the declarative, efficient, and flexible approach to building user interfaces.

Continuous Compliance in DevOps

Continuous Compliance in DevOps

To make the software development process faster, the world started adopting DevOps, and the DevOps culture revolves around one word - ‘continuous’. Be it development, testing, deployment, integration, or security, DevOps has always been about continuous everything. So, why not apply this to compliances and regulations. Being in the IT industry, I can say that the right compliance framework to meet regulatory demands has always been an important part of any discussion.

Introduction to Persistent Volumes and mounting GCP Buckets on Containers

Introduction to Persistent Volumes and mounting GCP Buckets on Containers

The global application container market has been on the up and is expected to go beyond $8 billion by 2025. Almost all major players are trying their best to capture this market by introducing feature-rich services. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is one such player that provides services for everything from development to production, from container builder, registry, and optimized OS to Kubernetes engine for orchestration.

Securing the Serverless

Securing the Serverless

In one of my earlier posts, serverless isn’t exactly serverless, I wrote about how serverless, an operational model in cloud computing, is helping organizations outsource routine tasks to remote pro teams. With serverless, one can focus more on the features that purely work on user satisfaction instead of administering a complex infrastructure. You can save time, money, and resources with serverless technology deployed in the right manner.