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Microservices Anti-patterns - What you need to understand before adopting Microservices?

Microservices Anti-patterns - What you need to understand before adopting Microservices?

For any software development process to be a success, a proper fundamental structure with all the elements and disciplines that will govern the overall flow and communication between them is very important. This is what we usually call a software architecture. There are various kinds of software architectures that exist - service-based, space-based, and layer-based, to name a few.

How Elastic Stack 7.2.0 will influence your DevOps, Monitoring, Analytics, and Security

How Elastic Stack 7.2.0 will influence your DevOps, Monitoring, Analytics, and Security

In our April 2019 blog, What’s new from Elastic for DevOps and Big Data, Timmanna discussed some of the highlights of the release, such as Elasticsearch JS client (RC1); Infrastructure 7.0, and Elasticsearch for Apache Hadoop 7.0.0, Logstash 7.0.0, & Kibana 7.0.0. This time, I will be talking about the Elastic Stack 7.2.0 release, which has some amazing upgrades.

ES Index migration simplified!

ES Index migration simplified!

Data migration may conceptually sound simple, but it is one of those things that are not as simple as they sound. The lack of integration and synchronization between system components may lead to the loss or corruption of critical data. It may also lead to data quality issues along with security challenges which may incur heavy financial and reputational risks. Moreover, recovering data is an extremely tedious, time-consuming, and costly affair.

Monitoring Kubernetes clusters with Prometheus and Grafana

Monitoring Kubernetes clusters with Prometheus and Grafana

Monitoring Kubernetes clusters is different from monitoring client-server networks because of the master-node architecture. Some of the parameters that need consistent monitoring include pod resources, memory usage, CPU utilization, network bandwidth, disk pressure, etc. Kubernetes, by itself, does not self-monitor. However, it can be fine-tuned to detect problems in their early stages. Ideally, these clusters should take corrective action as soon as the parameters mentioned above slightly exceed their threshold.

One-click monitoring solution for multi-ENV Kubernetes clusters

One-click monitoring solution for multi-ENV Kubernetes clusters

See how Opcito developed a one-click monitoring solution for multi-ENV Kubernetes clusters

Engagement details

Multi-ENV Kubernetes clusters that involve deployment and management of monitoring pipelines on Kubernetes and different Kubernetes distributions such as OSS, Minikuber, AKS, GKE, and OpenShift, etc., can be challenging. The challenges mainly include establishing integration to enable the flow of time series data from a Kubernetes-based monitoring application, Telegraf, into the existing database. The main goal was to increase the data volume that the application scales out, defining Helm charts and building templated YAML for Helm chart deployment and one-click solution to monitoring solution.


Containers, Cloud

Tools and platforms

Kubernetes, Telegraf, Helm Charts, Tick Stack


  • Reduced execution times
  • One-click monitoring for selected Kubernetes cluster

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Simplifying hybrid and multi-cloud environments with Google Anthos

Simplifying hybrid and multi-cloud environments with Google Anthos

The word Cloud has been ruling the technology world for more than a decade now, and when I interact with clients from different segments of industries, I see people who want to work on-prem along with cloud environments. To be honest, I don’t blame them. Most of the time the reason is existing heavy investments in the on-prem infra. Even at Opcito, we have been using this combination to develop state-of-the-art applications for our clientele.

Docker Enterprise 3.0 - bringing Docker Desktop to enterprises

Docker Enterprise 3.0 - bringing Docker Desktop to enterprises

The 2019 edition of DockerCon concluded on May 2, 2019. This year, there were a lot of interesting releases and informative sessions. You can have a look at all the highlights from this year’s DockerCon here. The 2018 DockerCon saw the release of Docker Enterprise Edition 2.0, which received a major update in November with the release of version 2.1.

What's new from Elastic for DevOps and Big Data?

What's new from Elastic for DevOps and Big Data?

Elastic is popular for its open-source search experiences among users in the fields of databases and Big Data. It aims at deriving actionable insights from a large pool of data and has gained widespread popularity owing to its reliability, transparency, and ease of use. Elasticsearch is one of the most popular services offered by Elastic. Elasticsearch can be integrated with Hadoop using the ES-Hadoop connect, a two-way connector that will enhance the power of insights drawn from big data.

AWS Blockchain Services

AWS Blockchain Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is popular as an application-specific cloud computing platform that provides infrastructure and services for various cloud-native applications. This includes archiving, backup & restore, content delivery, DevOps, the Internet of Things (IoT), analytics, and Blockchain among others. AWS services can be implemented and deployed for a wide variety of modern applications. In this article, we will have a look at how AWS can be used to deploy your own custom Blockchains.