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Pulumi - simplifying Infrastructure as Code

Pulumi - simplifying Infrastructure as Code

Managing IT infrastructure at the pace of ever-evolving tech. Especially if you plan to do it manually, my advice would be "brace yourselves." Advancements in Cloud, Agile, and DevOps practices have revolutionized designing, developing, and maintaining the IT infrastructure. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is one of the critical components of these practices.

Customizing login and signup pages in Keycloak

Customizing login and signup pages in Keycloak

Application security is of utmost importance in today's ever-evolving digital ecosystem. Preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data is a primary requirement for every organization to avoid data breaches and financial penalties. Enabling authorization and authentication is beyond a simple login API. It involves complex functionalities. Thankfully, user identity and access management tools can simplify application security.

Cloud-native application for patent & contract management

Cloud-native application for patent & contract management

See how Opcito SaaSified business operations with microservices and automation.

Engagement details

The client organization assists individual inventors and organizations with their expertise in establishing licensing revenue streams from IPs. The client's IT setup was a legacy, with minimal modernization introduced over the years. With operational complications and slow IT modernization, the client continued to manage and track business processes in conventional ways using MS Excel as a primary tool for maintaining data. The business information was stored in spreadsheets right from initiating any case until its closure. This approach had some inherent problems. Opcito decided to SaaSify business operations with microservices and automation.


Cloud, Microservices, SaaS


  • Efficient data management reduced the manual efforts needed to maintain the details, reducing turnaround time by 70%.
  • Enhanced login features and RBAC secured access to the system and data resulting in increased confidentiality of the clientele data.
  • Enhanced reporting, analytics, and synergy

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DevOps - Trends to watch in 2022

DevOps - Trends to watch in 2022

The new year is here. We are all ready with new plans for developments and innovations. However, for the last couple of years, everything revolved around one thing - the COVID-19 pandemic. You had to prepare contingency plans for all your plans to be on the safer side. The pandemic has had adverse effects on businesses worldwide, but it also had some unexpected positive impacts. This challenging time accelerated innovation and creativity. Technology plays a vital role in people's lives.

AWS re:Invent 2021: Key Takeaways

AWS re:Invent 2021: Key Takeaways

AWS re:Invent concluded last week. The annual AWS event for the cloud computing community took place in Las Vegas. It was the first re:Invent, with new CEO Adam Selipsky delivering the main keynote. There were many exciting updates for businesses and cloud aficionados as the cloud giant Amazon Web Services (AWS) turned the dial of re:Invent 2021. The event is done for the current year, but it has a lot of updates to put the spotlight on. Let's see some highlighting ones from Storage, Compute, Containers, DevOps, and security points of view.

Siloscape, Windows Containers, Kubernetes, and Safeguarding

Siloscape, Windows Containers, Kubernetes, and Safeguarding

Kubernetes has immensely simplified cloud-native infrastructure for developers. It just takes a few lines of code and a Kubernetes command to serve the users. Kubernetes is popular because of its portability and faster, simpler deployment times. However, it comes with security considerations. Container security has always been in question for a lot of reasons. For Kubernetes, these security considerations are not because Kubernetes is insecure or risky but because of overlooked code and configuration.

Controlled & Uncontrolled Components in React

Controlled & Uncontrolled Components in React

Earlier days of coding required developers to write hundreds of lines of code just to develop a single-page application. This usually involved the traditional Document Object Model (DOM) structure. Making changes to these applications was a challenging and tedious task, as developers had to manually search for the element to be changed and update it accordingly. Even a tiny mistake can lead to application failure. Furthermore, updating DOM was expensive. This is where the component-based approach came into the picture.

Augmenting Agile with Code Ownership

Augmenting Agile with Code Ownership

I always say that ownership and accountability are the keys to organizational success. The same applies to your product development practices. Ownership defines the rules and duties regarding an object. Likewise, Code Ownership determines the roles and responsibilities of the person who wrote the code. However, more significant code artifacts are usually composed by multiple engineers contributing to the same entity over time through a series of changes. In such a scenario, it may become difficult to identify and maintain ownership.

Simplifying Component Logic in React with Higher-Order Components

Simplifying Component Logic in React with Higher-Order Components

In one of my earlier blogs Enriching UI with Styled Components in React, I wrote about stylizing components in React. This time I am going to write about Higher-Order Components in React. Components act as one of the core building blocks in React. If you are a React user, you might have felt the need to have copies of the same logic in multiple components.