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Microsoft Word Add-in for a CLM solution

Microsoft Word Add-in for a CLM solution

See how Opcito setup a Microsoft Word add-in for a CLM solution

Engagement details

The customer is a leader in the Contract Lifecycle Management space. The AI-powered platform allows customers for faster & proactive management of entitlements & obligations and surface commercial insights and intelligence. There was no provision for the CLM platform to be used within the existing applications. Separately using the platforms was creating problems when it came to effective collaboration. A tool (Add-in) was required with Microsoft Word to make the flow of contract management seamless while working on the document itself. Opcito team designed and developed the MS Word add-in that helped to optimize the customer’s CLM application’s productivity and user experience with a specialized Microsoft Word integration.


Product engineering, Product sustenance, CLM

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Test automation for CLM MS Word add-in

Test automation for CLM MS Word add-in

See how Opcito developed a MS Word add-in for the CLM application

Engagement details

The customer is a leader in the Contract Lifecycle Management space. The AI-powered platform allows customers for faster & proactive management of entitlements & obligations and surface commercial insights and intelligence. The client wanted to automate MS Word add-in test scenarios to maintain the quality of services by performing regular sanity and regression checks on the add-in. Automating MS Word add-in test cases was a challenging task. Finding a mix of tools/technology to automate the add-in was tough, as Selenium does not support desktop application automation. Also, there isn't enough reference knowledge base available regarding the automation of a Microsoft Word add-in.


TestOps, Test Auomation, CLM


  • Capture and eliminate defects in the early stages of the release.
  • Reduced manual testing efforts required during regression pass testing of the release.

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Lifecycle methods and Hooks in React

Lifecycle methods and Hooks in React

A front-end framework plays a crucial role in deciding the success of any application. No matter how efficient the product is, if it doesn't have a User Interface (UI) that is interactive and well-organized, the chances of its success are very slim. However, you don't have to worry about that anymore. Thanks to the new age tools and platforms like ReactJS. With its extensive range of UI components, you can make the UI as good as the original product at the backend.

Simplifying configuration management with Configuration as Code

Simplifying configuration management with Configuration as Code

With the surging speed of development and deployments, tracking the release pipeline and changes made is becoming difficult. Configuration is no exception to this. Configuration management was never a luxury but has become a necessity now with all the rapid changes. Everyone has a defined process to test every change in environments before finally moving toward production.

Tree Shaking simplified with Webpack!

Tree Shaking simplified with Webpack!

Writing simple, clean, and efficient code is the most desirable quality that every developer seeks. Most of the time, there is an unused code that floats around when you import and export modules in JavaScript. The concept of tree shaking, or dead code elimination, plays a great role as it avoids a largely created bundle-size unused module that hampers the performance during the build procedure. Tree shaking is seen as one of the best practices followed by front-end developers that focuses on size and performance factors.

Adding Content Controls into Word document using Office JS

Adding Content Controls into Word document using Office JS

Content controls are the defined regions within a document that are utilized for containing specific content. Multiple day-to-day applications use content controls. Consider an online form with a drop-down list containing particular options to choose from for the user. Here, content controls can give instructional text to users. Not only this, but you can also set the rules in a certain way that would instantly disappear when the users start entering their text.

Add value to business ops with DataOps

Add value to business ops with DataOps

Data is the biggest commodity, and getting the best out of your data is an art. DataOps is a collaborative approach to manage your master, govern, and curate the information that includes profiling, integration, and transformation to achieve your business goals. It accurately encourages you to establish successful collaboration amongst business users, data scientists, and technologies. Not only this, but your analytic and data teams can use automated techniques to reduce the data analytics time along with amplifying its quality.

Implementing Kubernetes Operators with Python

Implementing Kubernetes Operators with Python

Over the past few years, Kubernetes has become a default choice for container orchestration. The features and ease of use make it widely popular amongst developers. Kubernetes API is one such feature that lets you query and manipulates the state of objects in Kubernetes. And to enhance the functionalities of K8s APIs, you can use a Kubernetes Operator. An Operator is an application-specific controller used to pack, deploy, and manage a Kubernetes application.

Add value to your business with Continuous Testing

Add value to your business with Continuous Testing

Increasing delivery speed and quality demands have driven IT organizations through rigorous transformations now and then. The transformations primarily include shifting from centrally organized IT teams to fully self-empowered teams and the staged development models replaced with continuous integration and continuous delivery models. These transformations have forced us to change the way we test.

Configuring CLI with Protobuf and Python

Configuring CLI with Protobuf and Python

Many of us may think that the easiest way to interact with computers is through a teeny-tiny device; we all know as a mouse. However, we programmers love to use another one. Even before the mouse came into the picture, the interaction between people and operating systems happened with a keyboard where the user typed commands to instruct machines to do things. The easiest way to give these commands is through the Command Line Interface (CLI). CLI is a text-based user interface that you can use to view and manage computer files and programs.