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Animation with Vue.js and GreenSock

Front-end is a vital component of any product's success. There are a few exciting options when it comes to JavaScript frameworks for the front-end. Vue.js is one such option that is slowly becoming popular amongst developers because of the features like Virtual DOM, Data Binding, Components, Event Handling, Animation/Transition, Computed Properties, Templates, and Directives. In this blog, I will talk about one of these key features – animation and how to animate Vue.js with GreenSock.

Leveraging AIOps for SRE

Cloud, Agile, and DevOps have revolutionized how software is developed and consumed. Speed, dynamic implementation of changes, global presence, and quality are the areas that the IT revolution has influenced. While organizations are banking on the newer tech stacks and platforms to cater to the demands of a pool of ever-increasing users, it has become imperative to balance agility with reliability.

Ways to host a MongoDB cluster on Kubernetes

Ways to host a MongoDB cluster on Kubernetes

MongoDB is one of the most used database programs among developers. It is an open-source, general purpose, document-based, distributed NoSQL database server that is especially popular with JavaScript projects. It is instrumental in managing vast databases. In this blog, I will explain two ways of hosting a MongoDB cluster on Kubernetes.

Automating Microsoft OfficeJS Word Add-in

Automating Microsoft OfficeJS Word Add-in

The use of add-ins elevates the overall Office experience for many Microsoft Office users. There are more than 2,000 add-ins for Microsoft Office 365. The Office add-in platform allows for multiple development options, of which the Word add-in is one. To interact with the content in a Word document, you can utilize add-in commands that extend the Word UI and start task panes to run JavaScripts. All codes that you choose to run on the web browser will run in a Word add-in.

Opcito concludes Ionize 2022 – annual rewards and recognition program

This year's event was a hybrid event where most people joined the celebrations at Vivanta, Hinjewadi, while some joined virtually.

Opcito, a leader in DevOps, Cloud Technologies, and Solutions as a Service space, hosted its annual rewards and recognition program Ionize2022 on 7th March 2022 at Vivanta, Hinjewadi Pune. The Ionize is a day-long event to felicitate the best-performing employees and celebrate organizational success. It was the 6th edition of the event that happens every year.

Developer Experience Matters!

Developer Experience Matters!

Organizational success is a result of several things done right at the right time. In the modern business era, where organizations often struggle to thrive, it is critical to stay on top of one particular aspect of business success – the contributors. Right contributors in the right environment often are the keys to improving overall performance. A famous Richard Branson quote says - "if you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients."

How to import/export Realm in Keycloak

How to import/export Realm in Keycloak

Security is now in the driving seat of any software development process. Organizations are adopting shift-left strategies to integrate security into every phase of software development. As security has become imperative, developers are looking for newer tools to enable secured development. Identity and Access Management is one of the areas where platforms like Keycloak make integration of security simple and easy.

Integrating AppSec into DevOps

Integrating AppSec into DevOps

The most critical part of the Information Technology industry is information. No surprise, in the early 80s, encryption, and decryption of messages were given the utmost importance. Later as organizations started focusing on the pace of software delivery, security took a backseat. But, as technology evolved, general concern for protecting code and applications became imperative. Application security became as important as the pace of software development. However, most developers still feel the heat to develop applications faster.