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SaaS-ified workflow and provisioning automation using Ansible and K8s

See how Opcito SaaS-ified workflow and provisioning automation using Ansible and Kubernetes

Engagement details

Everyone needs a free trial and POC to try out any new service or study its impact. In this case, the prospects or the users had to go through a tedious and time-consuming process that involved several manual approvals and an undefined workflow. Plus, the prospects had to sign up for a public cloud account to evaluate these services, which meant increased overheads. And this lengthy procedure was affecting the business resulting in a loss of possible customers.


  • Microservices
  • Cloud

Tools and platforms

  • Ansible
  • Kubernetes


  • Reduced turnaround time for free trials from hours to mins
  • Simplified spinning up process for POCs and free trials with a ticketing system and structured workflow.

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