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Unlock limitless possibilities!

Your journey for cutting-edge product engineering and digital transformation starts here.

Revolutionizing your

Want to know more about our services?


Continuous Innovation Continuously Delivered
for bootstrapped & early-stage start-ups, software product ISVs, and enterprises with


Incubation Labs

Idea validation and outsourced Research & Development


Scalable IT

Adding tech scalability to your business initiatives


Reliable Cloud

Reliable CloudOps and SRE for any tech-enabled business

Our Expertise
Changing the mainstream IT mindset with a true cloud-native approach and cloud-native software to embrace what is vital for a truly agile application development experience and faster, reliable, and scalable services

Simple and pragmatic cloud architecture

Cloud-native development by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and dependable tools to design products and services with reliable cloud architecture using Containers, Serverless, and Microservices with our certified team of cloud architects


Microservices-focused development

Design and build microservices architecture with containers, service mesh, service discovery, and API gateway that be accessed through the cloud and support application assembling in a decoupled environment


Automated continuous deployments

Adding intelligence to your cloud business processes automation for minimum delivery & turnaround time and cost-efficiency with impeccable automation strategies combined with AIOPs and cloud


Cloud security and governance

Ensured industry standards & compliances like HIPAA, SOC2, PCI, and CIS to safeguard your digital initiatives with continuous monitoring, prioritized threat detection, automated investigation, integrated response, and intelligent automation with AWS, Azure, and GCP security implementations

Modernizing your application and reinventing the true market potential by reengineering your applications for the modern age and adding a new competitive edge with the right application modernization approach, new-age agile technologies, and zero disruption & downtime


Assess your existing application, infrastructure, and processes from architectural, automation, security, and modernization point of view to identify areas of improvement and build a strong application modernization strategy



Full-stack automated deployment and modernizing applications using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and hardened CI/CD pipelines, cloud, and containerization of application components for operational consistency, increased portability & efficiency



Optimizing application performance, availability, scalability, and security, and adding efficiency with monitoring, metering, and maintenance for cost-optimization, reduced upgrade time, and new integrations

Managed security and compliance for your continuous development, integration, and deployment practices for faster and secured high-quality software faster, maximized application security, and ensured production applications and containers security with a robust DevSecOps framework

Real-time monitoring

Continuous monitoring of the overall health of the development process and application systems against the key performance measures and log-based metrics combined with right tools to ensure end-to-end real-time monitoring


Managed SRE

DevSecOps tools with clearly defined Service Level Objectives and Indicators (SLO and SLI) combined with proactive monitoring, risk acceptance and mitigation plan, automated recovery & post incident response, automated testing, release and deployment


Incident management

Continuous resilience and security improvement of your DevOps processes with incident detection and post incident management, prioritization, investigation, diagnosis, resolution, and support


Security and remediation automation

Automated monitoring and alert systems with predefined responses and standard operating procedures for automated incident management and restoration of your DevOps processes and applications

Experience the "as a managed service" model of the world's favorite container orchestrator for seamless container management on the infrastructure of your choice with our CNCF-certified Kubernetes experts

Kubernetes Application Development

Building Kubernetes-ready apps for greenfield projects or Modernization of existing applications using Kubernetes with development, deployment, and automation with periodic backups, disaster recovery, restoration automation, and regular Kubernetes updates


Kubernetes Infrastructure Optimization

Deploying production-ready Kubernetes clusters on private and public clouds, enabling highly available clusters supporting auto-healing, disaster recovery and scalability, multi-cluster management, orchestration, and monitoring with impeccable infrastructure security


Clustering, Distribution, Orchestration

Certified team of Kubernetes experts for CI/CD pipeline implementation, scheduling containers across a cluster, multi-cluster management, production-grade container orchestration in multi-cluster environments & application microservices, and container networking


Observability & Monitoring in Kubernetes

Multi-dimensional infrastructure, application & cluster-level logging, monitoring, and analysis combined with control plane and cluster node metrics for Kubernetes log collection, monitoring, management, and observability to ensure your services' high availability


We are a leader in the automation-driven full-stack product engineering services space. With a development center in Pune, India and an office in Milpitas, CA. Our core purpose is to develop amazing products and deliver dynamic solutions that revolutionize the IT world.

We are thinkers and are really passionate about the technology we work with. Cloud, Containerization, DevOps & CI/CD is our forte. And with our team of dedicated professionals, we are pledged to deliver full-stack product engineering excellence globally.

We started
Years of industry
leadership experience
Ensured measurable business results and returns on your tech initiatives investments for your brownfield and greenfield projects with

With highly resilient infrastructure for your business-critical applications and processes

cost saving

With a complete roadmap to adopt cloud-native services and container platforms like Kubernetes


Impeccable security with industry-wide proven best SecOps practices


Become HIPAA, SOC2, PCI, and CIS in a guaranteed timeframe with our certified team of engineering experts

Reduced ownership

For your engineering and R&D initiatives with proven strategies and development best practices

Reduced time
to market

Seamless automated deployment journey and highly agile practices combined with a certified team of automation experts 

Trusted innovation partners for all
your technology initiatives


Zero IP breaches to date

ISO 27001

Certified software
delivery standards


CSAT score for FY 2021-22


Tech expert teams for all
leading platforms such as AWS,
Azure, GCP


Success with our diverse
partner network

Our Partners
& ecosystem
Red Hat

"The team spirit is superb, and they worked as our tech partner."

Opcito Technologies delivered the project on time. The team was prompt with weekly calls and daily updates during the engagement. We are happy with the partnership we have with Opcito Technologies.

Chief of Product Ideation,

Averta Strategies

"They are fast to implement solutions and well-focused on DevOps."

So far, Opcito Technologies has delivered products successfully. The development process and deliverables are all of high quality.

Director of Engineering,

Data & Infra Platform, Conviva

"Best in CloudOps!"

They helped us through our modernization journey. The Cloud adoption, from migrating our applications & associated workload to leveraging the true power of the cloud, was made seamless by the Opcito team.


Integrated Marketing Solutions and Services Organization

"Best offshore partner!"

They quickly adopted the working culture, turned the project around quickly, and started the delivery with prompt communication. Opcito is a perfect offshoring partner, and we can totally rely on them.

VP Engineering,

Mobile Internet Technology Company

"Compliance-assured delivery!"

Since we are in healthcare, there are certain international compliances that we expect our partners to follow. Opcito has indeed maintained them throughout the engagement. The overall experience has been exceptional.

SVP Engineering,

Personal Health Research and Management Firm

Embark on a rewarding career
journey with Opcito!

Crack the code to success! Start your journey with Opcito.

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